Thursday, June 3, 2010


Dear Family

What a pretty amazing week I've had : ) I've talked to a ton of people. We have a mission standard of talking to at least 140 people a week and this week we talked to 169 or something like that. It only counts if you testify of the restoration and give them a commitment, usually to contact us if they want to learn more. It is fun but can get discouraging. I'm luvky because I don't understand when they are swearing or telling us that our church is a cult and we are going to hell. The other day i accidently started bible bashing with some lady. I didn't know what she was saying I just thought I was supposed to keep testifying. but it is all good. I am in the Mok-Dong ward and the members are AMAZING! like seriously, the most awesome members in the whole world. When I get back i want to be just like them. So far we have had a member at every lesson where the invesigator or less active had said it was ok. My companion is so good with the members. They love her death. I think it is because she pretty much is love. Her name actually means charity and wisdom and that is pretty much exactly what she is. We kind of have an awesome goal this transfer. 5 baptisms. Yep you heard me, 5 baptisms. The first one is this Sunday. It is a single mom with a little boy, whose English name is Chandler (lots of people have english names). She is great. She is a little hesitant because she doesn't think she is ready baptised. But she is. The other 4 people don't have dates just yet. But they will by the end of this week. I'm so excited to be apart of this work. Yesterday we were visiting a less active lady, also single with a little boy, when I realized it is basically my job to go around and make everyone happy and feel God's love for them. It is pretty much an awesome job. my companion is so good at it to. She is the most loving person ever. In Korea it is not uncommon at all for 2 girls or two boys to walk arm in arm or to hold hands. It is a sign of friendship and love. They don't really have a problem with homosexuality for some reason. I guess that part of the west hasn't quite made its way over yet. Anyways, she likes to hold my hand. She is the cutest little Asian in the whole world. I forgot my cord thing so I will send pictures next week.
Sunday was so great. I love being with the Saints. They had a member of the Stake High council that week and he turned out to be the father of one of the Koreans i met in the MTC. She is going to Seattle. I had some pictures on my camera of us at the temple so I showed him and he was so grateful. The Church is the Church no matter where you go. They even have the old lady bench in Korea.
Whenever a new missionary comes they have them introduce themselves and bear a short testimony in sacrament meeting. So I sat up on the stand. Luckily my name is wierd enough so I can pick out from all the other words so I knew when I was to speak cause there was no way I good read the program. I tried to say "I'm happy to be here in Mok-dong. I want to serve you. The Mok-dong ward is the best" (cause really they are). And then I bore my testimony. Short and sweet and probably not very understandable, but they all told me I did great, those little liars. I love when Sister Lee tells me stuff like that cause I always know when she is lying. She can't lie, she is too pure.
Today we went to the temple : ) The Seoul Temple is absolutely beautiful. It was dedicated by President Hinckley in 1985 when he was a member of the 12. He loved Korea. My zone and I think another zone where there as well as the APs and President and Sister Burton, The office senior missionary couple, and Elder and Sister Jordin! I met Elder and Sister Jordin in the MTC. There are Sister Leishman's Mom's cousins. It was a joyous reuion. They are so sweet. It was so good to see a familiar face. The temple was of course amazing. We got to do an English session. Afterwards we took a bunch of pictures. it was president and Sister burtons last temple day. i love them.
I'm doing really well with the food. If you want Koreans to like you eat their food. And I really want them to like me so I eat their food. Mom you would be so proud of me. I've eaten tons of things you've tried to get me to eat for years.
One cool thing they have here is the 30/30 program. We teach english for 30 min and then we teach the gospel for 30. And since I'm the American I do the english teaching. Ya, me! Lol, no its fun. I just don't really know how to teach english, I just speak it, poorly.
Oh yesterday we were jundoing, oh sorry, street contacting and we met this lady at a busstop and she was all hey, I want to study the bible in english and I guess I want to learn about Mormons too. She is pretty much golden I think. But she is going on a trip to New York so we won't be able to start teahing her till she come back. But it was just a little testimony builder to me that the Lord does put prepared people in our path and jundoing really does work. I love you all. Thank you for your emails and your love. Keep being good to the missionaries. More than your food they want your friends.
Through Prophets, God has again restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ to us. We have evidence of this through the Book of Mormon. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I love the Book of Mormon! and I love Korea and Koreans. Now the trick is just getting the two together ; )

Read your scriptures every day,
Sister Emily Grace Kincheloe