Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just a little note, pictures soon!

Sorry, not much time the pictures were giving me trouble.
I'm having a great week. I had zone conference and we had 3 investiators at church on sunday. It was amazing. My comp and I are teaching up a storm. Lol. She is so great. I love Koreans. they are the best.
At Zone conference we learned about adjusting plans and contacting investigators daily.
We live really close to the church so that is where we do most of our teaching.
At English class this week I taught the Nature lesson so I got to talk about Modesto. I just tell everyone it is by San Francisco because they know where that is.
We ride the bus and the subway and we walk alot.
I'm doing great with Korean Food. I love seaweed! Seaweed in speghtti is thee best! I know the church is ture and I know the Book of Mormon is ture.
P.s. my pday is monday except for when it is on tuesday because we are going to the temple