Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sorry i havent been posting a lot. This one is from 9-6-10

Dear Family,
Pretty Much this has been one of the craziest weeks of the mission. Satan is trying to ruin my life.
It started out well. Typical pday. It took forever to email because only one computer at the community center was working. Tuesday was ok I think. We had our mission coordination meeting with our ward mission leader. Then on wednesday we decided that our house was no longer suitable to live in. I didn't say anything last week about it because I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. But now it is. Last week it rained a ton and trashed our roof (we live on the top floor of a villa(old crappy apartment)). Mold grew out of nowhere and covered the ceiling and then there was this wierd orange mold in our study room. I cleaned it on Tuesday and night and by the next afternoon it was completely grown back. Freaky. So we called our misssion president and after some contemplating told us to move in with the Sister missionaries in An-yong which is a lovely hour and a half away by subway and bus. So we took what we needed for a few days and wednesday night made our way over to An-yong. It was kind of exciting at first because the other SIster missionaries are super fun. Sister Belen is from Saint George and she was in mokdong before I came so we know all the same people. Sister Kim-Guy-Young (?) is actually from Seoul and she is serving a 6 week mission because we were short one sister this transfer and she volunteered to help. She actually got her mission call this week to the Korea DaeJeong Mission! Yeah! How cool is that to get your mission call while you are serving a mission?
So living with them is really fun but the communiting has really taken a toll on us. Being a missionary is tiring enough. Sunday we fell asleep in church.. oops. After that we decided we should try and find another option. Plus we were losing valuble time in our area. So the members offered for us to live with them, but that really is no good. Missionary life is just so different it would be a big burden on any family and family life would be a big burden for missionaries to deal with. So the next option was move in with the senior couple missionaries in our district ; ) The Jordins are the best. You probably don't remember but they were in the MTC with me for about a week. they are Sister Leishman's great aunt and uncle or cousin or soemthing. They have been in my district this whole time. It is like having a grandma and grandpa looking after me. They are so sweet. they have an extra bedroom and bathroom and a really nice apartment and it about 40 or so mins closer. We talked to them today at the temple (oh I went to the temple today that is why I am writing today and not yesterday) and they said we could stay with them. So we are staying in An-yong one more night and then tomorrow morning we will go to Shindorim to live with the Jordins. President Lee, my mission president said it would probably be for 2 weeks or so, which is pretty much the rest of the transfer. Hopefull our hous will be fixed by then (or we will just move to a new apartment in mokdong). Either way I hope I am still in Mokdong and I don't get transfered. We have this one investigator, Jeong Meong Won who is getting really close to baptism. If she will just come to church! Ah! Getting the investigator to church is the key. Because if they don't come to church then they can't get baptized.
Sister Kim is doing well. She is just the cutest little Korean in the whole world. She gets hot and tired easily but I always try and cheer her up. She gave me a Korean name - Kim Cha Roc. Kim is like the most popular family name in Korea and Cha Roc means green. I don't think any ones name is really kim cha roc but it is possible.
All this moving around stuff bothers me because it is taking away my focus and my strength.
I'm grateful I didn't die from the mold though. It was pretty gross. Mold grows fast here becuase of the humidity.
I'm glad you all got to go to the beach. I do love the beach. We have been having Typhoon season. Lots of thunder and lightening. It is pretty cool. Korean Thanksgiving is coming up so that chould be fun.
I'm really trying to become more Christ like. It is hard because Christ is well, you know perfect. But that is my goal and I'm sticking to it. I have a long way to go that is for sure. On the cover of the Liahona there are two Senior Missionaries from Korea. I don't know them. But yea Korea and yea Senior Missionaries.
Do you use Preach my Gosepl every family home evening? I think it would be a great thing to do.. Preach My Gospel was written by prophets and apostles which makes it pretty much Scripture. I love PMG! I wish I would have studied it before my mission. I know this gospel is true. We aren't just some other church. This is the Lord's Kingdom. This is eternal truth. This is everyone's future, not just members. Sometimes I think just how extremely lucky I am to have the gospel. I know it isn't luck reallly but I don't know how I got to be so blessed to have the knowledge that I have. Thank you for all your love and support!!!!! You're the best family the girl could have!
Sister Emily Kincheloe