Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Family,
Hello! It was great to get your emails. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thanks for wanting to know more about me and whats going on here. Sometimes in your letters I feel like you don't care. But then I feel bad because the boys never complained but then again I am a girl and I am just a little bit more needy than the boys. So I guess I don't feel too bad. Thank you for the Card. I got it at Zone conference as well as a letter from my MTC Teacher Brother Erickson.
My Companion Sister Kim and I are doing well. We taught some good lessons this week. No baptismal dates yet. But things are looking up. We are teaching this mother of two and we just picked up the daughter yesterday. She is 9 and her mom wants her to know more about God and Jesus. They go to another church and it seems to me like her kids know alot about the bible but of course it is babylon church teachings of the bible so there are some things we have to set straight. It is so so so refreshing to see a mother more worried about her children's relationship with God than their score on a test or the prestige of their hawgwon or academy. She is so great. The family is going to get baptised I just know it. We had stake conference this weel. It was great... i think. I didn't really understand very much but when they refrenced a scripture I was able to look it up and write doen my thoughts and feelings about the scripture. We were going to have an investigator come with us but he decided to hang out with his friend the night before so he was too tired to make the 9am meeting. It is so sad too becuase he has been doing so well with the Word of Wisdom. We had a great zone conference this week on finding and key indicators. We have standards we need to hit every week and so far we haven't hit the standards. It is a little depressng but the zone conference lifted my spirits and I am committed to diligentlly working to hit the standards this week. My companion is too. That is important becuase we need to work in unity. We got a bunch of new Elders in the mission this week. It is so wierd that is my 3rd transfer and that there are people newer than me. I feel like I should know Korean by now but I don't. But whatever. I can still invite others to come unto Christ. That is my purpose and that is what I am going to do.
I was so excited ti hear about all the missionaries from our ward and stake. That is the kind of news I like to hear. Also tell me more about the missionary work going on in the ward. I love you so much family. You arethe best. I put up the family picture mom sent me on the wall in my apartment. I love looking at your smiling faces every day. Keep up the good work. Hopefull by next week I will be able to tell you about a baptismal date.
I know this church is true. I am a servant of the living God.
Love Sister Kincheloe
ps.s don't send beef jerky in the package because it won't make it through customs : ) You're the best!
Me and Elder Ryu