Sunday, July 18, 2010

Letter From A Missionary

Dear Family,
So there is this Korean dessert called pot-bing-soo. It is soo delicious. Lots of Korean foods are delicious. In the summer time in Korea everyone eats Ginseng Chicken. Its like a chicken soup - with a whole chicken. It is supposed to be really healthy for you in the summer. (What I don't understand is why it has to be eaten while in boiling water. Its so hot). I've had it like 3 times. It is pretty good. Also I can honestly say I like kimchi! i'm not faking it anymore! yea! Also I'm getting used to spicy food. Also I realized I like kiwi. So ya, food is good.. it's grrreat!
So its monsoon season in Korea. I'm kinda wet. But I'm still happy.
So there is this investigator, named kim-young-wha. She is in her 50s. She has a daughter and a son ( who is my same age). The daughter is just finishing up grad school and her son is in the army (all men must serve in the army for 2years). She is a difficult one. She is pretty good at english so it is hard when we are teaching her the gospel because she just wants to speak in english with me but we are supposed to teach in Korean. The other week i found a good opportunity to serve her. Her daughter, had her final thesis paper due so she asked me to proofread it for her. I did and thier hearts melted. Since then she has really opened up to us. It is a slow process. I think she is scared or something. But last week when i talked with her about reading the Book of Mormon she said she could see in my eyes that she needed to read the Book of Mormon. She better read it too or else we have to drop her. Which would be really sad because I like her so much. But there are thousands of prepared people out there who are ready for the gosepl now. My companion and i get along so well. She is like a Korean version of me. A little o-sec-hey-o (awkward). We laugh all day. Our washing machine broke this week and our wonderful Bishop and his wife took care of it so fast. We had someone over to fix it the next day. I only got us lost a few times this week : ) Luckly Sister Kim is starting to learn the area so she doesn't have to realy on me so much. We had combined district meeting this week. It was super awesome. We recieved some helpful training on listening and asking inspired questions. In preach my gospel it says who just have to lesten with love and the spirit will guide you what to say. it doesn't neccesarily say listen and understand what they are saying - just listen with love. I'm really going to put that into practice this week. I love this work. I know the church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I love you all!
-Sister Kincheloe