Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear Family,
Not much time. Sorry. Today we had a sisters luncheon. I got to see my MTC companion Sister Leishmen and all the other Sister Missionaries in the mission. They are all so wonderful. I feel like we are all family. I went on exchanges this week. Thursday I spent the day in Hong-je with Sister moffett who was in the district under me in the mtc. So this is her first transfer. Two people who can't speak Korean together doing missionary work for a whole day - it was awesome! we had so much fun and were actually somewhat successful. We had two appointments scheduled but tehy backed out. So we taught a few members and did alot of contacting.
Yesterday in Mokdong ward we had a miracle. A random high school boy walked into gospel principles class and then after sacrament meeting we taught him and gave him a baptismal date. It was so amazing. Also it was the day all the youth came back from EFY so they all bore their testimonies. Best fast and testimony meeting ever. I loved it! We are still working hard. loving every moment. It was so good to see all the sisters today. Elders just can't relate to sisters so we need that time to share our feeling, lol. It is so fun. I know this is the Lord's work. I'm so grateful to be apart of it. I loved the pictures. Thank you kelly for that marvelous drawiing. I look at it and I laugh everytime. I will keep it forever. And thanks for trying to write in Korean. Not too shabby. Keep helping the missionaries : )
Love Sister Kincheloe