Sunday, July 11, 2010

2nd Transfer Week 1

Dear Family,
What a great week. Tuesday was the combined mission conference! Yeah! The Seaoul West and Seoul Mission is completely mixed together now. At the conference we had live transfer calls so everyone found out their new companion. Pretty much every Seoul West Missionary has a Seoul companion and now we are the New Seoul Mission. President Lee talked alot about unity and focusing on the future. He is so great. He speaks in korean so I has to use a little translator. Everyone else switched companions on Thursday, but because Sister Lee was going to be a trainer and moving to a new area I swtiched that day a few hours after the conference. My new companion is Sister 깁지은(Sister Kim. Can you see the Korean characters? if not I'll just write them in English). She is Korean and from MaSan, which is near Busan in the Southern part of the country. She has been here for about 8 months and I am her 3rd companion. Her last area was in Incheon Stake. It was her greenie area so this is only her second area. It has been a fun week getting to know each other. She is so great. She has been very patient with me and my lack of korean skills, missionary skills, and knowledge about the area. But so far we have gotten everywhere we need to go ok. She is really funny. We laugh all the time. Sister Kim isn't as good at english as Sister Lee so my Korean has really improved. Our conversations are really funny. I'll speak in English and then she'll answer me in Korean and then i'll look really confused and then she tries to say it in English and then i try to answer back in Korean or just smile and nod and pretend I understood (that happens alot for both of us)
It was soooo good to see Sister Leishman at the Mission Conference. We hugged, laughed, and even cried a little bit. Missionary work is hard so it was good to have a friend who could relate to exactly what I was feeling and going through. She is doing well. Her companion is Sister Petersen who will be going home in a few weeks but first they are both going to Busan because she is adopted and wants to visit her real family who are Korean.... ya, i don't know. But Sister Lieshman is going with her so that will be fun.
I also got to see Elders Parkllan and Mortensen who were in my MTC district, as well as 4 sisters who were in my older district at the MTC. It was fun to be reunited.
The MokDong area is still going strong. We had a baptism on the 3rd and we had a baptismal date for later this month but sadly we are having problems with family opposition : ( The girls mom is really opposed to her getting baptised. She is a freshmen in college so we don't really need parental permission but it would make everything alot better for the invesigator - Lee-Sun-Geoung. She is such a sweet wonderful girl. We are meeting with her later today so hopefully we can get things figured out. I love you all i know the church is true and I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Keep up the good missionary work in Modesto!
-Sister Kincheloe

-Baptism of Kim-Hee-Jung