Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MTC 2 Months

Hello Family and Friends!

I can't believe I have already been in the MTC for almost 2 months! Its Crazy! On the 10th of May is our offical 2 months so my companions and I are going to have an anniversary party. Woohoo! Oh, big news. So remember how I told you I had two companions? Well that has kind of changed.
This last wednesday we got 16 new missionaries in the Korean Zone. They are so cute and new. I read in my journal the other day about my first week here. I remember being their shoes. It is pretty overwhelming the first week. They are still a little shell shocked. Ah-ma-tin (any-hoo in korean), so there are 13 elders and 3 sisters. The three new sisters are our roommates, Sister Wadsworth, Sister Moffett and Sister Sherwood. They are pretty much super cool and I love them all ready. Well, Sister Sherwood is half Korean and was born in Korea and speaks Korean, so pretty much there is no way she needs to be here in the MTC for 12 weeks. So yesterday they moved here up to our class and now she is Sister Alcazar's companion and Sister Leishman and I are a 2-some. Crazy, I know. There are definite pros and cons to the situation. It is a little o-sec-ham-ni-da (awkward) being with just one person all the time when I am so used to being with two. But kin-chin-ai-o (its okay). Sister Leishman and I are practically the same person, except well, for the fact that she is from Montana and went to BYU-I, and has 7 brothers and 1 older sister, and graduated with an advertising degree, and has long blonde hair, and is really good about being on time (which I am getting better at by the way), and likes banannas, and is obsessed with ultimate frisbe. But other than that, ya, we are practically the same person. Really, I pretty much love her to death. I don't know what I would have done if they would have split us up. We're like chocolate and peanut butter, and you just can't mess with chocolate and peanut butter. No Sir. But luckly that didn't happen, so we're good.
This has been a good week despite all the craziness. We're had subs all week because Brother Thorely left for an internship and Brother Erickson is on vacation. So our schedule has been all wacked out. I feel bad because I never write anything super exciting. Really it is the little things in the MTC that make the day go by. For example:
1. Finding a funny scripture during personal study
2. getting to pick the opening song in class
3. Devotionals on tuesday nights
4. Devotional reviews after the devotional - best meeting of thee whole week
5. mastering a new grammer form
6. Chicken Cordan Bleu in the cafeteria
7. racing Sister Leishman at meal times to see who can finish a class of water first (i've only beaten her like twice, out of the 50 times we've done it)
8. Gym time!!!! We get to go outside now! This makes Sister Leishman happy because we get to play frisbe.
9. Zone prayer everynight with the sisters in the RH
10. President Smith sightings and smiling at president Clegg in the cafeteria
11. oh and of course getting mail.

Its not much, but it is what makes me happy : ) I love you all. I love being a missionary. Thanks for all your support! The church is true. Be good and love the Lord.
-Love Kincheloe ja-meh