Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Letter From Emily

Emily wrote me this personal letter but i thought id share it because i know some of you are wanting news on how she is doing. =]

Dearest Kelly,

I am soooo proud of you! You are amazing! You are such a great example to me and to Porter. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. It sounds like it was fun and uplifting, especially with those people as counselors. I know that what you taught your girls is true. I know that Jesus Christ truely is our Savior. He has saved us from mortal death as well as spiritual death. Because of Christ's great sacrifice each one of God's children can become clean, as long as they repent and come to him. I am so grateful for the Atonement and its effects in my life. I use the Atonement everyday. There is no way I could get through one day in the MTC without Jesus Christ. It is hard being on a mission, i'm not going to lie. but I can already tell that the blessings are going to vastly outway the trials. I have met so many awesome, righteous, fun people here. Its like, hello!, we were meant to be best friends for life. I can't wait to introduce them all to you. You will love them! If you want to look up their facebooks their names are
Tiffany Leishman (She is my comp that quotes Mean Girls and Drop Dead Gorgeous and pretty much makes every day of my life full of sunshine)
Nancy Swenson
Jessie Kate Patterson
Whitney Stevens
Ciera Alcazar (My other comp, i don't know if she has fb)

They are all so great. It is amazing how fast you can make eternal friends.
Thank you so much for your email kelly. I Know this Church is true and I know God is our loving Heavenly Father. I love you Kelly and I miss you. God be with you till we meet again!